Moon rises over Switchfoot, The Calling

[media-cred­it id=259 align=“aligncenter” width=“470”]Jon Foreman of Switchfoot[/me­dia-cred­it]

Jon Fore­man and Switch­foot per­form at Red Rocks with The Call­ing con­fer­ence. ~ Pho­tos by Eliza Marie Somers

A full moon peek­ing through the clouds greet­ed the apex of The Call­ing con­fer­ence, with Gram­my Award win­ning band Switch­foot run­ning on stage  Sat­ur­day at Red Rocks Amphithe­atre in Mor­ri­son.

It was an ide­al set­ting for the third annu­al con­fer­ence start­ed by a 22-year-old col­lege stu­dent with one pur­pose in mind: to let peo­ple know that they are capa­ble of achiev­ing their dream, a dream that God designed for  their life.

What was just  a dream for Col­orado Chris­t­ian Uni­ver­si­ty stu­dent  Chrysan­dra Brun­son four months ago became a real­i­ty with the help of RGen­er­a­tion Min­istries and Bran­don Hei­de­mann, who stepped in and pulled off the fin­ish­ing touch­es for the conference/

[media-cred­it id=259 align=“alignleft” width=“222”]Jon Foreman and Switchfoot perform at Red Rocks with The Calling conference.[/me­dia-cred­it]

Jon Fore­man and Switch­foot per­form at Red Rocks with The Call­ing con­fer­ence.

Along with the Fore­man broth­ers of Switch­foot, The Call­ing fea­tured acoustic rock­ers Chasen, local musi­cian Lindsy Mor­ton and speak­er Rex Crain. An inter­est­ing mix that appeased the crowd of youth­ful tweens, high school and col­lege stu­dents, par­ents and baby boomers.

Rex Crain, a for­mer base­ball play­er for the Boston Red Sox orga­ni­za­tion, enter­tained the crowd of 5,000-plus while con­vey­ing life lessons. Lessons of hope when you say yes to a new way of liv­ing — liv­ing your dream by liv­ing in Christ Jesus.

One sto­ry Crain told was of his adven­ture aboard Air Force One. An adven­ture made pos­si­ble from a les­son he learned from a young female bas­ket­ball play­er who had gained favor in this world because she had the favor of God upon her.

Lindsy Mor­ton fol­lowed Crain with sev­er­al wor­ship songs, the first being a trib­ute to Mary the Blessed Moth­er of Jesus. A fit­ting song for this Lenten sea­son as it con­veyed that Mary was the only per­son at the birth and cru­ci­fic­tion of Jesus.

[media-cred­it id=259 align=“alignright” width=“197”]Switchfoot at Red Rocks.[/me­dia-cred­it]

Switch­foot at Red Rocks.

As the moon rose above Den­ver and the red rocks, Switch­foot hit the stage run­ning  with some of their ear­li­er hits  such as “Gone,”  “Learn­ing to Breathe,” “This is Your Life,” and “Stars,” even ask­ing for the lights to be turned off so the stars could shine on the venue craved by nature.  Jon Fore­man also reached into their lat­est offer­ings  with “Mess of Me,” “Nee­dle in a Haystack Life,”  and “The Sound,” a trib­ute to civ­il rights leader John M. Perkins.

Apolo­gies to Chasen, I missed the band’s set — for some rea­son, I keep miss­ing these guys. And for some rea­son I decid­ed to take an even more scenic route to the venue and pro­ceed­ed to hit a road clo­sure and had to dou­ble-back.

[media-cred­it id=259 align=“aligncenter” width=“470”]The Foreman brothers of Switchfoot at Red Rocks.[/me­dia-cred­it]

The Fore­man broth­ers of Switch­foot at Red Rocks.

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2 Responses to Moon rises over Switchfoot, The Calling

  1. cd greb says:

    I caught that full moon on video dur­ing a Switch­foot num­ber —

  2. guest says:

    A small note: “cru­ci­fic­tion” should be cru­ci­fix­ion

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