Rockies’ Aaron Cook takes time to share faith

While Aaron Cook may hold the most wins in Rock­ies his­to­ry at 72, his career has been any­thing but smooth sail­ing.

Freak injuries — blood clots in his lungs that required rib surgery to alle­vi­ate, a bro­ken shin­bone from a linedrive and a bro­ken ring fin­ger from get­ting caught in a door — are to blame for a career that has had more ups and downs than the Mind Eras­er at Elitch Gar­dens. Injuries that would have caused oth­ers to scream “Uncle” but not Cook.

My faith helped me a lot dur­ing those times,” Cook said, quot­ing James 1:2–4

(“When trou­bles come your way, con­sid­er it an oppor­tu­ni­ty for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is test­ed, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is ful­ly devel­oped, you will be per­fect and com­plete, need­ing noth­ing.” NLT)

When trou­bles come it is a test­ing of your faith and per­se­ver­ance. In my base­ball life there has been a lot of dif­fer­ent things that have hap­pened that I shouldn’t be here if not for God. All the adver­si­ty that I have been through has helped me draw clos­er to God and has made me a bet­ter man. And if you look at it that way it doesn’t seem all that bad.”

Yes, mak­ing a liv­ing in the major leagues is not a bad life after all, but how does a one stay ground­ed?

I have a wife and three kids and my wife grounds me every­day,” Cook said with a chuck­le, “In base­ball we are wait­ed on hand and foot. Your suit­case is tak­en to the hotel, peo­ple pack your bags and when you go home you have to take care of your fam­i­ly and kids. You get a real­i­ty check.”

Cook is out­spo­ken in his faith, but not one to push his beliefs onto oth­ers.

I grew up in the church, and I’ve nev­er been afraid to say what I believe no mat­ter a club­house or on a mis­sion trip. It’s who I am,” said Cook, who has spent his entire career with the Rock­ies. “ I try to treat peo­ple all the same, like Jesus did, and when you get an oppor­tu­ni­ty to share, share. … This club­house has been crazy this year with all the new peo­ple. I just met J.C. Romero, and he’s a strong believ­er. We found out we have a cou­ple of mutu­al friends who do mis­sion trips. That’s just God’s tim­ing.”

Don’t call it a coin­ci­dence with Cook, as his wife says, they are God appoint­ments, and it appears that Cook’s appoint­ment at this time is to shine his light on the stage that is major-league base­ball.

This base­ball world is fun,” Cook said. “But I tell peo­ple all the time, ‘It’s what I do, not who I am.’”

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