Paul Colman talks about Pentagon, family, solo gig

On play­ing the Pen­ta­gon in Sep­tem­ber 2007 dur­ing a 9/11 Memo­r­i­al Ser­vice:

It was very emo­tion­al. The keynote speak­er was some­one who sur­vived the attack. His build­ing was hit. He had burns all over his body. It was pret­ty rough. But it was an awe­some time. We brought our sound sys­tem and rocked the Pen­ta­gon! They gave all of us a flag that flew over the Pen­ta­gon. All of us guys real­ly love Amer­i­ca. It was a great priv­iledge to be a part of the ser­vice.”

On being a musi­cian:

It can be very alien­at­ing. When you are on the road, you have some­one doing every­thing for you. And when you come back home you start expect­ing your wife to treat you like a rock star. And that’s not right. I know, I’ve been there. Your wife wants some­one who cares about the house, the kids, her friends, her inter­ests.”

How he descibes the News­boys’ music and the new album they are work­ing on:

Basi­cal­ly it’s a cool blend of hip hop, rock ’n’ roll, pop and strong melodies. Kin­da quirky pop. The new album has some very catchy melodies. In the ’80s mold, but like INXS, in that sense. And it’s about faith, hope and trust.”

On his solo career:

I’ve been in the record­ing stu­dio for 11 months, now. It’s become a labor of love. I spend only about 3 days a month on it. When I’m home, I real­ly put my fam­i­ly first. But I have peo­ple com­ing in — pro­duc­ers, engi­neers, musi­cians — work­ing on tracks when I’m not there. I’m try­ing to do the best I can with this. You know, there’s no rea­son to put some­thing out there that is just aver­age, it’s just a waste of time.”

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