NBC edits out “Under God” in Pledge

At the begin­ning of NBC’s cov­er­age of the U.S. Open, the net­work showed scenes from our nation’s cap­i­tal with chil­dren recit­ing the Pledge of Alle­giance in the back­ground. But the net­work edit­ed out “under God” and “indi­vis­i­ble”. And it was edit­ed out twice dur­ing the mon­tage, so it was not a mis­take but done on pur­pose. What pur­pose I don’t know? And don’t say sep­a­ra­tion of church and state.

About 3 hours into the cov­er­age, announc­er Dan Hicks apol­o­gized for the omis­sion.
Here’s a YouTube clip of the mon­tage.

The Amer­i­can Cen­ter for Law and Jus­tice is send­ing a let­ter of protest to NBC and the USGA. You can sign or print out the the let­ter by going here. What are your thoughts on this omis­sion?

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4 Responses to NBC edits out “Under God” in Pledge

  1. Anonymous says:

    I guess that Liz Somers is unaware that the MINISTER who wrote the pledge (Fran­cis Bel­lamy who wrote it in 1892) did NOT include “under God”, In fact, they were added by Con­gress in 1954 to sep­a­rate us from those “god­less Com­mu­nists” is east­ern Europe. Here is the orig­i­nal text — not that we should care about what the author want­ed:
    “His orig­i­nal Pledge read as fol­lows: ‘I pledge alle­giance to my Flag
    and (to*) the Repub­lic for which it stands, one nation, indi­vis­i­ble, with
    lib­er­ty and jus­tice for all.’ He con­sid­ered plac­ing the word, ‘equal­i­ty,’
    in his Pledge, but knew that the state super­in­ten­dents of edu­ca­tion on his
    com­mit­tee were against equal­i­ty for women and African Amer­i­cans. [ * ‘to’
    added in Octo­ber, 1892. ]”

  2. James9933 says:

    What is the big deal?  The pledge of alle­giance was cre­at­ed in 1892 and it was not until 1954 the words “under God” were added. The way it was edit­ed holds true to the com­men­ta­tor’s com­ment that these are val­ues that have been passed down over gen­er­a­tions and not just one gen­er­a­tion.  

  3. James9933 says:

    What is the big deal?  The pledge of alle­giance was cre­at­ed in 1892 and it was not until 1954 the words “under God” were added. The way it was edit­ed holds true to the com­men­ta­tor’s com­ment that these are val­ues that have been passed down over gen­er­a­tions and not just one gen­er­a­tion.  

  4. dctweny says:

    I agree the edit­ing was done on pur­pose.  NBC edi­tors felt they could get away with push­ing their ide­ol­o­gy on a major broad­cast event.  Their apol­o­gy was­n’t even an apol­o­gy. Dan Hicks did not say that NBC was sor­ry it omit­ted Under God.  They were sor­ry if some of you were offend­ed.  This is the same lame apol­o­gy that a celebri­ty or politi­cian gives when they say or do some­thing offen­sive. I would like to apol­o­gize to any­one who was offend­ed.  We have heard this type of apol­o­gy ad nau­si­um.

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