Is bashing Christians newest sport?

[media-cred­it name=“Joe Amon, The Den­ver Post” align=“aligncenter” width=“470”]Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow gives Mile High Salute. [/me­dia-cred­it]

Bron­cos quar­ter­back Tim Tebow gives the fans the Mile High Salute after scor­ing the win­ning touch­down in a vic­to­ry over the N.Y. Jets on Thurs­day night.

While dis­cussing Tim Tebow and the Den­ver Bron­cos’ win over the New York Jets on Thurs­day, a friend said that it has become polit­i­cal­ly cor­rect to bash Chris­tians, and that Tebow has made him care about the Bron­cos. He roots for Tebow because of the Chris­t­ian bash­ers — and he’s not a reli­gious zealot.

It got me think­ing he might be right about bash­ing Chris­tians being the newest sport. Would peo­ple bash Tebow if he was a Mus­lim or a Jew? Hmmm, those reli­gious seem to be “off lim­its.”

What do you think?

View a slide show of the Bron­cos’ vic­to­ry over the N.Y. Jets.

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10 Responses to Is bashing Christians newest sport?

  1. Boo hoo.  Poor Chris­tians.  I’d like to see the bash­ing if a Mus­lim foot­ball play­er kneeled down and bowed to Mec­ca every time he scored, Chris­tians would go absolute­ly apoplet­ic.  We non Chris­tians just feel that these pho­ny dis­plays of piety are inap­pro­pri­ate in foot­ball.  If you tru­ly were Chris­t­ian actu­al­ly prac­tic­ing your Chris­tian­i­ty you would “hon­or­ing the sab­bath and keep­ing it holy”, not play­ing foot­ball on Sun­day.  You can’t have it both ways.

  2. BigRig says:

    Uh, Dieter,  your arro­gance is only exceed­ed by your igno­rance.  The Sab­bath is from sun­down Fri­day to sun­down Sat­ur­day.  Time for a new word for you: Christo­pho­bic.

    • Gator41rick says:

      BigRig.  Inter­est­ing obser­va­tion.  Most believe Sun­day as the day of wor­ship, but you are cor­rect.  Sat­ur­day is the Chris­t­ian Sab­bath.  Not sure if Tebow agrees how­ev­er.

      Now as for Dieter, I agree about your com­ment on how Amer­i­can fans would take to a Mus­lim play­er bow­ing to Mec­ca, but take excep­tion to the phrase “pho­ny dis­plays of piety”.  How do you know “what is in his heart”.  Pho­ny is the last adjec­tive I would think to use for Mr. Tebow. Leave the judg­ing to God or per­haps no judg­ing is real­ly nec­es­sary.

      • Gettingitright says:

        Right the guy uses his own mon­ey to build hos­pi­tals in the Philip­pines and kids with can­cer are more impor­tant than foot­ball. Talks the talk and walks the walk. No mat­ter what I believe he makes this world a bet­ter place. Go to respect a guy like that.

  3. RadioUranus says:

    Chris­tians are being bashed because, for the past 15 cen­turies, they have been bash­ing every­one else.

    Do unto oth­er as you would have them do unto you.”

  4. Portrait360 says:

    Naw, bash­ing Chris­t­ian has become the newest, old­est reli­gion. 
    Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh him­self aprey: and the LORD saw it, and it dis­pleased him that there was­no jus­tice. (isa 59:15)

  5. Jcarrascoaz says:

    Jesus said that they hat­ed me so they will hate you to his desci­ples. Tim Tebow is need­ed by this coun­try. We need more peo­ple who are UNASHAMED of Christ. Dieter, as far as the Mus­lim state­ment you made, the Mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty is actu­al­ly glo­ri­fied in this coun­try. There is even a real­i­ty TV show of a Mus­lim fam­i­ly in Amer­i­ca. You don’t see a real­i­ty Chris­t­ian show. You call your­self a non-Chris­t­ian and that is fine. I pray that you are still a believ­er in Christ.

  6. Bradleyswissman says:

    Excuse Me for being blunt, Dieter, but Tim Tebow has the right to do what­ev­er he wants with his faith. SO there, too. Oh, and BTW. I would­n’t care if a Mus­lim foot­ball play­er knelt and prayed. Chris­tians aren’t as spine­less as you think. So before you say any­thing else Dieter, try putting your foot in your mouth. That helps. Alot.

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