Doyel’s Tim Tebow column causes fury

[media-cred­it id=259 align=“aligncenter” width=“480”]Tim Tebow Doves 2011[/me­dia-cred­it]

Tim Tebow is under attack for believ­ing God will reward him while he is on this earth. ~ Pho­to by Eliza Marie Somers

So Gregg Doyel of CBS Sport­sline is get­ting tons of email about this col­umn on Tim Tebow.

I read the whole col­umn and did­n’t find a prob­lem with it until the last three graphs:

Tebow has been a great bill­board for Chris­tian­i­ty — just as Muham­mad Ali has been a great bill­board for Islam, and Sandy Koufax a great bill­board for Judaism — but that does­n’t mean he will be reward­ed with a start­ing job in the NFL. Maybe deep inside his heart Tebow knows that, but from the out­side it does­n’t look that way. From the out­side it looks like Tebow equates his love for God in heav­en with tan­gi­ble rewards here on earth.

And that’s more than wrong.

It’s blas­phe­my.

What’s wrong with believ­ing that you will reap rich­es if you obey God’s laws? The Bible, in numer­ous places, states that if you keep God’s com­mand­ments you will reap rich­es. Check out Proverbs 3 and 1 John 3:22–24 as just two exam­ples.

And blas­phe­my? Tebow believes that God will reward him here on earth and Doyel calls it blas­phe­my? That’s just wrong.

Read the whole col­umn, and then tell me what you think about it? Do you think Doyel crossed the line?

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3 Responses to Doyel’s Tim Tebow column causes fury

  1. Anonymous says:

    Of course the col­umn was out of line.  It was not infor­ma­tion­al, only an attack.  Makes a per­son won­der if the man wants to make a name for him­self at Tebow’s expense.  Any­way, I doubt that Tebow was talk­ing about any ben­e­fit to him­self oth­er than the Lord see­ing him through any tri­al, temp­ta­tion, suc­cess or defeat.  It’s a sad day when a good, decent man like Tim Tebow gets dissed, mis­in­ter­pret­ed and held up to ridicule.

  2. Epriker says:

    why waste time read­ing such garbagein the col­umn

  3. Lsomers says:

    I tried to send this to Gregg
    Doyel but his email must be out of order.  Could you for­ward this to
     “But his faith baf­fles me,
    or at least the way he express­es his

    This state­ment obvi­ous­ly
    tells the whole story…you are attack­ing some­thing that you do not under­stand. 
    And until you come to the point in YOUR faith that you can know exact­ly what Mr.
    Tebow is liv­ing, you will always be baf­fled.  I pray that some­day this faith
    will be yours!  God is always wait­ing for us and if we tru­ly seek Him, we will
    find Him.

    from VA 

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