Doritos ad offends Catholics?

What’s your take.….
Frito Lay pulled a pro­posed Super Bowl ad because it mocks the Catholic church. The ad fea­tures a priest who needs to find ways to make more mon­ey for his church and he gets a sign — a crunch and a soda pop open­ing — while pray­ing. The next scene the priest is hand­ing out Dori­tos and Pep­si dur­ing com­mu­nion.

Are you offend­ed by this? The ad has been pulled from the Frito Lay site, but here is Fox News’ Meg­yn Kel­ly host­ing a debate and if you scroll down you can view part of the ad.

My ques­tion to all of you is: Would an ad be made mak­ing fun of the Koran or Mus­lims? So why mock the holi­est part of the Catholic Mass?

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2 Responses to Doritos ad offends Catholics?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Accord­ing to what I’ve heard, the guy in the com­mer­cial was a devout catholic.

    That being said, I thought it was some­what amus­ing. I was look­ing for the entire com­mer­cial online, but the only one I could find was cor­rupt. (The audio and video were not synced. It was off by eas­i­ly a minute)

  2. Anonymous says:

    Accord­ing to what I’ve heard, the guy in the com­mer­cial was a devout catholic.

    That being said, I thought it was some­what amus­ing. I was look­ing for the entire com­mer­cial online, but the only one I could find was cor­rupt. (The audio and video were not synced. It was off by eas­i­ly a minute)

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