Biblical prophecies? Or is it just me?

Is it me or does any­one else sense that all these nat­ur­al dis­as­ters are signs right out of the Bible? Dev­as­tat­ing earth­quakes, hur­ri­canes, cyclones, tor­na­does and floods. Does it all add up to a time to repent or is it just glob­al warm­ing? Are they Bib­li­cal warn­ings? What do you think? Let us know.

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8 Responses to Biblical prophecies? Or is it just me?

  1. Andrew says:

    Bib­li­cal warn­ings? I hope you are kid­ding. I am an athe­ist, but if I did believe in a god, it would be a god that did not slaugh­ter his peo­ple by the hun­dreds of thou­sands in order to sig­nal a time to repent. I am much more com­fort­able chalk­ing these events up to ter­ri­ble nat­ur­al dis­as­ters. Noth­ing “divine” is at work here.

  2. Andrew says:

    Bib­li­cal warn­ings? I hope you are kid­ding. I am an athe­ist, but if I did believe in a god, it would be a god that did not slaugh­ter his peo­ple by the hun­dreds of thou­sands in order to sig­nal a time to repent. I am much more com­fort­able chalk­ing these events up to ter­ri­ble nat­ur­al dis­as­ters. Noth­ing “divine” is at work here.

  3. Dejan says:

    You are cor­rect. I have read the bible just recent­ly and i was amazed. It talks about earth­quakes, flood­es, hunger, ill­ness­es. Every­thing that was writ­ten there is hap­pen­ing right before our eyes. It’s a shame not many peo­ple know about this.

  4. Dejan says:

    You are cor­rect. I have read the bible just recent­ly and i was amazed. It talks about earth­quakes, flood­es, hunger, ill­ness­es. Every­thing that was writ­ten there is hap­pen­ing right before our eyes. It’s a shame not many peo­ple know about this.

  5. danny b. says:

    uh… what does this have to do with music? is the den­ver post a chris­t­ian paper or some­thing?

  6. danny b. says:

    uh… what does this have to do with music? is the den­ver post a chris­t­ian paper or some­thing?

  7. Nina says:

    God is the cre­ator of all things, includ­ing music!! Musi­cians, along with the rest of us, get our gifts from God!

    Bran­don Heath’s con­cert was awe­some. His per­son­al sto­ries, shared between songs, added so much insight to his music and to who he is.

    We are not here by chance. There is one true God and He is Risen!

  8. Nina says:

    God is the cre­ator of all things, includ­ing music!! Musi­cians, along with the rest of us, get our gifts from God!

    Bran­don Heath’s con­cert was awe­some. His per­son­al sto­ries, shared between songs, added so much insight to his music and to who he is.

    We are not here by chance. There is one true God and He is Risen!

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