2012 Dove Awards: Laura Story, “Blessings” from brain tumor

This video above shows you the real Lau­ra Sto­ry, a down-to-earth per­son.

Lau­ra Sto­ry came home the big win­ner by gar­ner­ing five Dove Awards, includ­ing song of the year for “Bless­ings,” last week in Atlanta, but don’t expect the South Car­oli­na native to become big head­ed. The self-described “Birken­stock and gra­nola” singer remains hum­ble.

Sto­ry wrote “Bless­ings” after her hus­band Mar­tin was diag­nosed with a brain tumor and then con­tract­ed menin­gi­tis dur­ing the surgery to remove the tumor.

I would have rather writ­ten a song about win­ning the lot­tery, but you have to write about the hard times and how God showed up,” said Sto­ry, who will be in Den­ver on Dec. 5 at the Den­ver Col­i­se­um.

Sto­ry also won a Gram­my Award for “Bless­ings” in the Best Con­tem­po­rary Chris­t­ian Song cat­e­go­ry.

[media-cred­it name=“Eliza Marie Somers” align=“alignleft” width=“200”]Laura Story at 2012 Dove Awards[/me­dia-cred­it]

Lau­ra Sto­ry won five Dove Awards, includ­ing song of the year for “Bless­ings.”

“You know the Gram­mys were great, but it’s some­thing about being here (at the Dove Awards) and with what God has done,” Sto­ry said. “As far as the artists go, we don’t care who goes home with the hard­ware, it’s about glo­ri­fy­ing God.”

Sto­ry was asked about being on tour with Manid­sa, who is more “bling and glit­ter” than the South­ern singer.

You know heav­en is going to be like this, so get over it or you are going to be left out,” Sto­ry said. “Man­disa is great. She’s taught me how to tweet and Face­book. It’s like Birken­stock meets bling or gra­nola and glit­ter. It’s great.”

When asked about what’s next, Sto­ry, who is preg­nant and due in Sep­tem­ber with a baby girl, said while rais­ing the Dove Award, “I’ve done this pret­ty well, now I just want to be a good mom.”

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1 Response to 2012 Dove Awards: Laura Story, “Blessings” from brain tumor

  1. Robin says:

    If you lis­tened to the pre­view not just the song. It says alot how we all should be thank­ful for all things god gives us in life. This lady has spoke about how god has blessed her in the good and the bad.. amen.


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