Improv prayer for Haiti 7 p.m.

OK, now that we have had the improv pant­less train ride, let’s do some good with this improv thing and say a prayer for Haiti at 7 p.m. for the next sev­en days. It can be a few sec­onds, a few min­utes, even an hour ded­i­cat­ed to pray­ing for Haiti.

Matthew: 18:19–20
“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about any­thing you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heav­en. For where two or three come togeth­er in my name, there am I with them.”

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5 Responses to Improv prayer for Haiti 7 p.m.

  1. Jerry says:

    OK some­one please tell me which god we are going to be pray­ing to. Is it the one that “sent the earth­quake”, the one that tells young mid­dle-east­ern peo­ple to kill them­selves and as many “oth­ers” as they can, the one that tells pat rob­bin­son that he will die if he does­n’t get enough mon­ey, the one that tells the Amer­i­can reli­gious right to hate any­one that dis­agrees with them, or the one that dropped the coke bot­tle from the sky?

  2. Ron says:

    Jer­ry, total­ly under­stand where you’re com­ing from, but just ‘pray to the God who made and designed you’. That will work fine. BTW, God does­n’t tell mid­dle east­ern peo­ple to com­mit mur­der-sui­cide, ‘evil mas­querad­ing as right­eous­ness’ is an age-old trick, which is obvi­ous on it’s face.

  3. don says:

    I assume Heav­en Fest is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion. If so, I also assume that monies raised are donat­ed to var­i­ous char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tions which direct­ly impact the qual­i­ty of life of recip­i­ents. In par­tic­u­lar, has mon­ey been donat­ed to any Haiti relief fund?

  4. don says:

    I assume Heav­en Fest is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion. If so, I also assume that monies raised are donat­ed to var­i­ous char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tions which direct­ly impact the qual­i­ty of life of recip­i­ents. In par­tic­u­lar, has mon­ey been donat­ed to any Haiti relief fund?

  5. Wholehearteddevotion says:

    Yes. Some has gone to Haiti Relief.

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